mireille gros

collections (selection)

collection of prints & drawings, swiss federal institute of technology zurich, CH
aargauer kunsthaus aarau, CH
la chalcographie du louvre, musée du louvre, paris, F
kunstmuseum basel and kupferstichkabinett, basel, CH
kunstmuseum basel
FRAC alsace, sélestat, F
FMAC, fonds municipal d’art contemporain de la ville de paris, F
kunstmuseum bern, switzerland
helvetia art collection basel, CH
musée des beaux arts le locle, CH
médiathèque valais, sion, CH
musée jenisch, cabinet des estampes, vevey, CH
mbac musée des beaux arts, la chaux-de-fonds, CH
kunstkredit basel stadt, CH
kunstkredit baselland, CH
collection museum langmatt baden, CH
collection grether3, basel, CH
kunstzeughaus bosshart, rapperswil, CH
christoph merian foundation basel, CH
dreyfues sons & co banquiers, basel, CH
bank julius baer, zurich, CH
basellandschaftliche kantonalbank, CH
bank j. safra sarasin, geneva and basel, CH
ubs collection, basel, CH
hoffmann la roche, basel and kaiseraugst, CH
swiss re london, UK
collection heiner hoerni, zofingen, CH
kultursammlung migros aare, CH
waid city hospital zurich, switzerland
collection erwin oberwiler, geneva, CH
collection city of aarau, CH
art collection city of baden, CH
collection city of burgdorf, CH
collection city of lörrach, D
bank of markgraeflerland, muelllheim, D